Emergency: Dial 911
Fire Chief Christopher Haynes, NRP, SEI
Deputy Fire Chief Blake McAnerin, EMT-IV
Deputy EMS Chief Erik Gallanger, NRP
EMS Division Chief Chris Cato, NRP, CCT Paramedic
Fire Division Chief Brad Martin, EMT, Wildland Strike Team Leader
Captain Deborah Roberts, NRP, SEI, EMS Education and Training Supervisor
Captain Anna Reynolds, NRP, ACLS/PALS/BLS CPR instructor
Captain Brian Ireton, NRP, SEI
Captain Patrick Miller, EMT
Executive Administrative Assistant / Clerk of the Board Nickey L. Bye, RRT,EMT
- Lieutenant Jared Hatch, EMT, Fleet Manager
- Lieutenant Jay Mayfield, NRP
- Kody Hurd, EMT
- Julia Sitar, EMT
- Suzanne McBride, EMT
- Cameron Bell, EMT
Public Records Request
In accordance with the provision of RCW 42.56, public records may be inspected or copied, or copies obtained by members of the public as follows.
Requests shall be made in writing to the District Chief or his designee and shall include the following information:
The name and address of the person requesting the record.
The time of day the calendar dates on which the request was made.
The nature of the request.
If the matter requested is referenced in a current index maintained by the district, a reference to the requested record as it is described in said index.
If the matter requested is not identifiable by a reference to an index, an appropriate description of the record requested.
Requests for public records may be faxed to Pend Oreille County Fire District 2 at 509-442-2333, emailed to execadmin@pocfd2.org , or mailed to:
Executive Administrative Assistant
Pend Oreille County Fire District 2
PO Box 287
lone, WA 99139
*Pend Oreille Fire District 2 will not release a report if an incident is under investigation
*EMS incident reports will not be released without the written authorization of the patients involved.